Community Awareness
Engaging with the community at resource fairs and other events is an important part of raising awareness about problematic gambling as well as the resources that are available for help in the State of Nevada. These events provide a platform for open discussions and information-sharing, fostering a sense of unity in our community. This also creates opportunities for networking and building strong social connections, facilitating collective initiatives that can address and prevent public health issues like gambling addiction more effectively. We attend and participate in many community events throughout Nevada, providing accurate information, awareness materials, and resources for anyone in need of help!
Use the form on the right side of the page to contact us about bringing problem gambling awareness information, materials, and goodies to your next event!
Student-Athlete Prevention
While sports wagering has been legal in Nevada for over 75 years, sports wagering has now been legalized in 38 states as well Washington, DC in just the past 5 and a half years. Where once one had to be on casino property to engage in sports betting, anyone of age can now engage in legal sports betting activities through a number of companies on their phone. This increased accessibility, coupled with a huge increase in national advertising for sportsbooks and daily fantasy sports has exposed more young people than ever before to opportunities that exist to gamble on sports, even though they themselves are often not yet of legal age to gamble. This learning module is intended for student-athletes of any age, as well as their coaches and athletics staff, and parents. Contact us to bring it to your school or organization!
‘Student-Athlete Gambling Awareness (SAGA)TM’ – Student-Athlete Awareness Program
We are excited to have rolled out this awareness program funded by a grant from the National Council on Problem Gambling specifically for student-athletes in several southern Nevada High Schools. Click here to learn more! Use the form on the right side of the page to contact us!
Video Game/Gambling Awareness
The increasing “gamblification” of video games brings with it the concern that more and more children and adolescents are being exposed to pathways that make it more likely they will migrate from video games to gambling activities, with a corresponding heightened risk of developing gaming and/or gambling problems.
‘Impact of the Games We Play‘ – Video Game/Gambling Awareness Presentation
Increased education and awareness for both students and parents is key to helping reduce these risks, and the Council has developed a program to help build awareness in this arena within schools and other community organizations.
This program is available free of charge to Nevada schools, churches, and community agencies to promote awareness.
General Awareness
What is gambling?… What is problem gambling?… How does a person know if they have a gambling problem?
Problem Gambling 101 is designed to start at the beginning and provide a detailed overview about gambling, problem gambling, warning signs of a problem, impacts of a gambling problem, and the resources and options that are available for help.
‘Problem Gambling 101’ – Awareness Presentation
Did you know that treatment for a gambling problem is free in Nevada? Nevada has the highest gambling participation rates in the country. With that said, this presentation is great for general audiences who want to know more about this important public health issue in our community, or who want to learn more for themselves or their loved ones.
This program is available free of charge to Nevada schools, churches, and community agencies to promote family awareness.
Youth Prevention
The legal age to gamble in Nevada is 21, and yet many young people begin gambling much sooner. In a youth survey conducted in Nevada, 67% of the adolescents said they had gambled at least once in their lifetime; 49% had gambled in the last year, 17% gambled at least once a month and 7% reported they gamble weekly.
So what’s the big deal, right? It’s just a little harmless fun!
Maybe not – since that same study also shows that about 10% of young people who gamble are at risk for developing a gambling problem and another 2% have already become problem gamblers.
‘Given the Chance’ – Awareness Presentation
This program is available free of charge to Nevada middle schools, high schools, churches or community agencies to promote youth gambling awareness.
When There’s a Gambling Problem in the Family
You may be thinking, “Problem gambling – so what? That’s their problem, not mine!” The reality is, when someone has a problem with gambling, everyone in the family is affected.
It is important to be aware of this impact and to know there are resources available to help. Families need support and acceptance so they can learn about the problem, set appropriate boundaries, and begin to take healthy actions to deal with the effect on the family.
‘Damage Done’—Family Awareness Presentation
This 1-hour community awareness session addresses the impact of problem gambling on the family and identifies resources available to help. At the core of the program is a dramatic film that explores how family members cope with the effects of a loved one’s gambling problem.
Contact the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling at 702-369-9740 to learn how you can obtain this program for use in your organization or agency.
This program is available free of charge to Nevada schools, churches, and community agencies to promote family awareness.
The Nevada Council on Problem Gambling is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization and an affiliate of the National Council on Problem Gambling. The Council does not take a position for or against legal gambling.