Whatever you need, We’re Here to Help!
The Nevada Council on Problem Gambling is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to generate awareness, promote education and advocate for quality treatment and support resources for problem gambling in Nevada. We are here to help you learn, understand, and find solutions that are right for you!
Problem gambling is a treatable disorder, and there are many resources available to help! Use the online Resource Locator link to the left to access current listings of treatment and support resources in Nevada. And the good news? Many of the services are FREE for problem gamblers and their family members!
To speak to someone confidentially about problem gambling and resources for help, call the 24 hr. Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER or text 800-GAM.
For information on programs and services outside Nevada, click HERE.
Are you wondering whether you or a loved one might have a gambling problem?
For some people, gambling can become more than just a game and lead to serious consequences for both the person gambling and their family.
Take a brief quiz on the Project Worth website to learn more.
The Nevada Council on Problem Gambling is dedicated to providing our communities with reliable information and resources to help you understand problem gambling. Our vision is to work with all stakeholders to provide sustainable programs & services to reduce the impact of problem gambling in the State of Nevada.
r the Gaming Industry:
We value the Nevada gaming industry’s efforts to promote responsible gaming through the highest regulatory standards and support of community resources for problem gambling. Since 1998, the Nevada Council has successfully partnered with the industry through our “When the Fun Stops” program, which provides informational brochures and an employee training program to support your responsible gambling efforts.
Recovery Podcast List*
The Broke Girl Society https://thebrokegirlsociety.com/
All in The Addicted Gamblers Podcast https://addictedgamblerpodcast.libsyn.com/
After Gambling Podcast https://www.aftergambling.com/
Ambitious Addicts Beyond the Twelve Steps https://ambitiuosaddicts.libsyn.com/
Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/foldem
Fall in The Problem Gambling Podcast for Military Service Members https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/fallin
Hello My Name is Craig https://www.audacy.com/wfan/hosts/hello-my-name-is-craig
*Not an endorsement; for informational purposes only.
Hartwell Farewell?
Dear Community Partners and Friends,
Happy New Year!
It is with a heavy but grateful heart that I bid all of you farewell (sort of!). I began my leadership role as Executive Director of the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling in October of 2023 with great humility and a sense of excitement at the opportunity to guide the Nevada Council into the future…
Survey Opportunities
Are you military personnel (active duty/veteran)? Have you struggled with gambling?
Email the UNLV Behavioral Addictions lab using a secure email at: behavioral.addictions.lab@unlv.edu