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Call the Problem Gambling HelpLine at 1-800-GAMBLER or Text: 800-GAM or Online Chat at

Get Involved

Ever heard someone say, “I want to do something to give back to the community”?  Or how about those stories of people “paying it forward” to total strangers in line at the drive-thru, just because they want to share a little bit of happiness with others?

According to the Oxford dictionary, that’s really what ‘Community’ is all about!

Community – A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

If you share our concern for problem gamblers and their families, we invite you to Get Involved in our community by giving of your Time, Talents and Treasure!

Check out our Volunteer Opportunities to see how you can give of your Time and Talents, by hosting a community event, or engaging in activities that support the Council’s basic organizational needs.

Just too busy, doing too many things for too many people and organizations? We understand…we thank you for your efforts…and we appreciate that your time may be limited. That’s why we made it quick and easy for you to give of your Treasure to support the mission of the Council!  Click on Make a Contribution and in just a few more clicks of your mouse you can make a one-time or recurring donation of as little as $10, to support the Council and sustain the 24 Hr. Problem Gamblers HelpLine in Nevada.

Not sure how you want to be involved – or just have questions?  Click HERE to contact us by email with your comments or questions.

In whatever way you decide to get involved, we THANK YOU! and we look forward to working together to prevent or reduce the impact of problem gambling in Nevada!