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Call the Problem Gambling HelpLine at 1-800-GAMBLER or Text: 800-GAM or Online Chat at

Material Distribution

We have a bBooksroad array of information and printed materials that are distributed free of charge* to help individuals and communities in Nevada understand and deal with the impact of problem gambling.  (*Out-of-state requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Some product and shipping fees may apply.)

Conf lit display

Use the form below to request an individual packet of information for personal use, or multiple copies of materials for use in your agency’s health promotion activities.

Materials requested by agencies must be used to support problem gambling prevention and awareness in Nevada through activities such as:

  • Regular agency/organization programs and services offered at no charge to the public,
  • Collaborative community awareness and outreach activities,
  • Research projects, general study assignments, or classroom presentations conducted by students or educators, or
  • Other projects or activities as approved by the Council

PLEASE NOTE:  LICENSED GAMING COMPANIES who are required to provide problem gambling information in compliance with NV Gaming Regulations are not eligible to receive free materials.  Companies may obtain “When the Fun Stops” brochures by submitting a completed Order Form along with payment of applicable product and shipping fees as indicated.  Visit our Responsible Gaming page for more info.