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Material Distribution Guidelines

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Last updated Oct. 7, 2014

The Nevada Council on Problem Gambling (Council) distributes printed materials in support of its efforts to generate awareness, promote education and advocate for quality treatment of problem gambling in the State of Nevada. Materials may be distributed for FREE or may require payment of applicable fees, as determined by the Council, based on the following guidelines:

INDIVIDUALS requesting information for personal use, may request and receive a single FREE packet of printed materials, sent by mail to the address provided.

LICENSED GAMING COMPANIES in need of materials to satisfy requirements of any State or Federal regulation or statute, are not eligible to receive free materials, but can purchase materials using the Council’s most current approved Literature Order Form. Distribution of materials require payment of the applicable product and shipping fees as indicated on the form.

NON-PROFIT, COMMUNITY SERVICE, AND HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS may request multiple copies of FREE materials provided by the Council on Problem Gambling, subject to the following guidelines:

  1. Requested materials must be used to support problem gambling prevention and awareness through activities such as:
    • Regular agency/organization programs and services offered at no charge to the public,
    • Collaborative community awareness and outreach activities,
    • Research projects, general study assignments, or classroom presentations conducted by students or educators, or
    • Other projects or activities as approved by the Council
  2. Requests will be processed in the order they are received and may be subject to availability of materials or maximum quantity limitations.
  3. All materials will be shipped via USPS, unless other arrangements are made by the requestor, or determined by the Council. In some circumstances, agencies may request expedited shipping (UPS, Fedex, etc.) at their own expense, subject to the approval of Council.
  4. Materials provided under these guidelines may never be sold, or otherwise used to generate revenue for an individual or agency. Use in programs where nominal participant registration fees are charged, may be permitted, but only with prior approval by the Council.
  5. Recipients of free materials may be contacted by the Council at a future date to provide feedback on the usefulness and impact of the requested materials. Feedback may be collected via a written, online, or telephone follow-up survey developed by the Council for this purpose. Your prompt response to the survey will help to insure continuation of the Free Materials Distribution program.
  6. The Council reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to approve or deny requests for free materials, and to amend, revise, or update these guidelines at any time. ALL DECISIONS OF THE COUNCIL ARE FINAL.
  7. By accepting free materials from the Council, recipients agree to be bound by these guidelines and any other conditions established by the Council at the time of distribution.

FREE material distribution is supported, in part, by the State of Nevada Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Fund.